Log Course

We regret that the 2025 Moose Mountain
Log Home course has been canceled.

Thank you for your interest in our Log Building Course. Moose Mountain Log Homes Inc. has been handcrafting log homes since 1978 and Lloyd Beckedorf has also been an instructor in different parts of the world over the decades. The initial intent of the Moose Mountain courses was to train future potential log craftsmen, that we could then offer employment to. Today an equal number of students have an interest in either building their own home or entering the industry with us or at some other location around the globe, therefore our program has been catered to both approaches. Because of our international reputation as the leader in advanced log home joinery techniques, many of our students have come from all areas around the world, in some years that maybe as high as 1/3 of our student enrolment.

We will cover, by actually working on a log building (one that will be actually intended for perhaps a cottage, garage or a barn), the principals of log construction with a hands-on format. Normally students of the course accomplish notching, grooving, door and window cutting and roof beam log flattening and layout techniques.
We also want to include by discussion and by demonstration, stairs and railing construction, truss construction and numerous other aspects. This part of the course will be dealt with usually towards the end of the course but is an extension of the fundamentals of notching and grooving learnt through out the course. Whenever possible we will try to do this as well in a hands-on approach.

We have included our recommended tool list and on the morning of March 11th at 8:00 AM in our construction yard, on the first day of the course we will go into further detail. This is a tool talk that is designed to introduce students to use, maintenance and safety of chainsaws and log building tools. Should you want to know more about tool recommendations or where to order specific tools please ask us. This is the only course we will offer in 2024. 
Mailing address: P.O. Box 26 Bragg Creek AB. T0L 0K0 Canada
Email: info@moosemountain.com

We are anticipating needing additional builders this year, so please let us know if you are interested in joining the Moose Mountain Log Homes team of craftsmen!

Lloyd Beckedorf

President ….

Application for the 2026 Log Building Course

I________________________ (please print name) would like to apply for the 3 week, year 20– Log Building Course in March

n March, weekdays 8 hrs per day for the three weeks. I understand the costs are $3,000.00 CAD plus GST($3,150.00) total. Unless other arrangements have been made, I will include 50% as a deposit, $1,500.00 CAD plus applicable GST ($1,575.00) total, to confirm my attendance. I understand if the course is full or cancelled for any reason, I will receive my deposit back in full, otherwise my deposit is non-refundable but applicable to future courses. I also understand that the balance is due on the first day of the course.

I am aware that I am responsible for my personal tools and safety requirements and on the morning of the first day of the course these will be further discussed in the Moose Mountain Log Homes Inc. construction site, located @ 46 Griffin Industrial Point in Cochrane Alberta. Mailing address: P.O. Box 26 Bragg Creek AB. T0L 0K0 Canada


Your contact information please:

Email: _____________________________________

Address: ___________________________________

City, Province/State,  __________________________

Country, Postal/Zip Code: ______________________

Phone number: _______________________________

Cell number: _________________________________

My intent in learning the craft of log building is to join the Moose Mountain Log Homes Inc. team of log crafters.


or, my intent is to use the information for my own purposes, such as working for myself, building my own structure or building with another builder, etc.


To check if there are still openings available copy, print, scan and email or photo the above application from your smart device to and send to: info@moosemountain.com then phone: 1-403-620-1020 to discuss, afterwards please mail application with deposit check to confirm enrolment.

Student tool list
Tool Recommendations

Please note the tool talk will be held March 13th, the first day of the course.

1) Chain Saw:      Ideally, a 55-80cc with 20² Cannon Mini Pro Bar* (or any narrow profile 20″ bar with a 2″ or smaller radius tip), recommended makes: Husqvarna or Stihl. Try to determine your long term goals, a single medium range cc saw would work but a larger and smaller one is common for professionals (Keep in mind, a saw that has had gasoline in it may not be transportable by air or some other forms of transportation). We suggest you consider our local saw shop: Equipment Express at 1-403-932-5050 and ask about the course specials.
2) Scribers:            Mackie
* or Chamber’s (temporarily unavailable) or Ed Shure* (may become available through Magard if enough interest) or BrLogScribers (wwwBrLogScribers.com.)

or if you want probably two of the very best available contact either Ed Shure, to view or purchase Ed’s scribers visit:http://www.timmerhusinc.com/#!tools/c19om  or contact him by phone: (303) 449-1336 or fax: (303) 449-9170 or email:  ed@timmerhusinc.com or contact Robert Chambers about the radical Chambers Scriber at: www.ChambersLogScribers.com  
You might also want to check out Magard Ventures Ltd. in Prince George B.C. for a wide range of log building tools at: http://www.logbuildingtools.ca/index.htm 1-250-962-9057
We have been working together with Maurice of Magard to create a Moose Mountain Log Homes Course tool package. The plan is to ship all student tool orders to arrive on the first day of the course. By shipping orders together significant reductions in shipping costs should occur. Those tools with a red * behind them are tools available at Magard Ventures.
Basic hand tools are usually least expensive at Princess Auto locations in Calgary at: http://www.princessauto.com/pal/locator/storeLocator.jsp or at your closest outlet.
3) Chisels:              Flat 1 ¼ ² or 1 ½ ² width, these do not need to be high quality just be able to hit with a hammer (high quality speciality chisels available at Magard Ventures).
4) Gouge:               #8 or “Saddle Notch” best if it has a compression ring
5) Hatchet/Axe:      Ox-head style (preferred by most builders). Carving Axe
* or small Oxhead Bench Axe. *
6) Tape Measure:   30 foot or longer 1.25″ wide
7) Level:                 3ft or 2ft and 4ft
8) Chalk line:         Mainly blue chalk occasionally red
9) Carpenter’s Square: Larger size
10) Carpenters Pencil: Soft or medium
11) Safety Apparel: Hard Hat
*, Ear Muffs*, Eye Protection*, Chain Saw Chaps* and Steel Toed footwear without black marking soles (the black marks are very hard to clean off logs)

Links relating to Log Building Course:


https://www.travelalberta.com/ca/places-to-go/southern-alberta/cochrane/accommodations/ or www.airbnb.ca 
In the past year the Bow River Inn, Cochrane was giving our students a special rate for kitchenettes. Please check to see what rate is available. Phone 1-403-932-7900, or access their website: https://bowriverinn.hotelsalberta.com/en to get the special rate you need to let them know you are in our log building school.

Often students choose to park a camper in our construction yard to keep accommodation costs minimal.
Please call for more information.

Recommended preliminary information from a former student of Lloyd Beckedorf
